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What Is Real Estate Photography? A Comprehensive Guide About Real Estate Photography Pricing

real estate photography pricing

In this day and age, real estate photography pricing is a topic that has been discussed for quite some time now. In the past few years, it grew exponentially in popularity mainly due to the increase of available photographers on the market and their lack of knowledge regarding the price they charge per job.

Real estate photography settings

Exposing for interior elements might be difficult because you’re weighing intense window light against darker interiors. When there’s a wide range of light, as with dusk or overcast days, you may correct it by shooting when the outdoor light levels are lower, such as during sunset or after rain. Turning on all the lights inside increases interior illumination, and if the outside light is dimmer, a RAW file may often capture the scene in one shot.

Even in low-contrast lighting, I’d recommend taking a few more shots to make sure you have all the necessary exposures for an excellent shot. First, determine your essential exposure; the photo with the most data placed in the histogram is your base exposure. Then bracket one-stop increments of various exposures.

Pricing structure

Hourly rate for photographer’s skills, hourly rate post-production skills, fee for coming to shoot your property, the fee per number of photos post-production, and sometimes even negotiable expenses.

The pricing structure, mainly determined by which of these elements you chose to build your real estate photography pricing on (what we’ll call “models”), can vary greatly. We won’t be explaining particular models in this article as there are too many variables but will write about the idea behind them and what you should use each for.

Hourly rates

The most popular model uses all of the listed elements so let’s start with it. It consists of two different hourly rates: one for photographer’s skills and one for post-production skills. Many photographers charge $50-$100 per hour for their regular hourly rate, including all equipment costs, but some choose to give up 50% or more of this rate when working on a project that needs post-production. Post-production is the art of editing photos and preparing them for printing or uploading to a website.

Post-processing skill

If your photography job requires a lot of post-processing skills, it’s only fair you pay extra money for this particular trait and any equipment costs involved in enabling photographers to do that at all. In other words, if your photographer needs to buy great software that can edit large files faster, then feel free to take his hourly rate from $100 down to $50 when he works on images that need improving via software. It’s simple math, someone who wants something affordable has fewer options than another person, so you have more leverage during negotiation time!

Cost of editing a single image with basic post-production skills

The cost of editing a single image with basic post-production skills can be anywhere from $5-$15 if you want to keep your house for sale online picture ready. This means that having three images edited will already cost you $10-$45, which is half or even more than half of what many photographers charge for an entire day (overnight hotel accommodation, meals, etc.).

The easiest way to save money here is to outsource the job entirely. What if your photographer loves his work so much he wants nothing to do with it? You’ll have to decide whether this trait in him is worth paying less overall or if he should produce everything on his own and leave less for you. If you’re still not convinced about the outsourcing part of the job, read this little story.

Hire someone for real estate photography

A homeowner who wanted to hire someone for their real estate photography knew almost nothing about the process. They did know that their budget was minimal, and they still wanted everything done correctly. After talking to several photographers (using hourly rate as a starting point), they chose one that seemed enthusiastic about his work and offered them $50 per hour plus $5 per edited photo with a minimum of 20 photos taken at their property.

Of course, the photographer needed some time to prepare for the upcoming shoot and asked for two days, which resulted in $300 spent already before anything was shot! Realizing how much money had been already invested into the project, the homeowner decided it would be wiser to outsource the editing part and pay $50 per hour again only for the photographer to shoot, leaving less work for themselves. The $15 saved on each edited photo is now more than enough to cover this extra hourly rate paid for outsourcing (and even some more), and they’re pleased with the result.

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Which one is most suitable based on your situation?

If you follow real estate photography pricing models that use hourly rates as a foundation, it’ll be easier to choose which one is most suitable based on your situation. If you don’t like having 20-30 images ready-for-editing per day (which means spending another whole day editing) and if your budget doesn’t allow additional payments, try avoiding an all-inclusive model and optimize it instead: hire a more affordable photographer with a higher hourly rate and pay for post-production separately.

Eventually, you’ll save some more money on your real estate photography pricing, which may even lead to using the same company for future projects! In the meantime, consider hiring another realtor who specializes in selling properties with great photographs. They can get you better prices if their photos look stunning!

A real estate photographer is a creative expert who takes appealing pictures of real estate, both commercial and residential. They collaborate with realtors who market houses online using photographs. Photographs taken by real estate photographers may also be used by model house builders, designers, interior designers, or architects.

What does the photography 30-60 rule mean?

The 60 percent hue is meant to ground the area and act as a background for the subsequent elements. Your 30% makes up the auxiliary color. Half as much of this color as your primary color will be used.