Home Business 7 Small Business Functions You Need to Outsource to Scale

7 Small Business Functions You Need to Outsource to Scale

7 Small Business Functions You Need to Outsource to Scale

If you are a small business owner, you know how to wear many hats. You must know your product or service, but you should also understand how to run your business. You will need to be an expert at customer service, and you also have to be skilled at keeping your employees or contractors happy. Numerous little things need to be done for your small business. Are you going to busy yourself with the minutiae of your small business, or will you make the wise choice to do some delegating? You should outsource several tasks, and today you will learn about seven.

1. Business Administration

As a business owner, you need to keep track of the big things, but the small administration tasks cannot be overlooked. You will need office products purchased, events and appointments scheduled, clients need to be called back, and a million other things that need to be done. Instead of doing these tasks yourself, consider getting a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant can benefit you, and they can take care of the small things you are too busy to handle. Another great option when your business relies on staying connected with customers is using a voice broadcasting service. You can record voice messages and send them out to customers keeping them in the loop of events or appointments.

2. Marketing

There is no way that your business will thrive if you do not market it. Unfortunately, marketing can be tricky, and it is also time-consuming. Instead of marketing your brand, hire a marketer or a marketing team. This way, you will get more business without the stress of obtaining more clients.

3. Logistics

If you have a product for your business, moving your products from point A to point B can be a challenging task. Instead of doing all of the extra grunt work, hire employees or contractors to do the moving for you.

4. Accounting & Bookkeeping

Accounting and bookkeeping are essential to your brand because they dictate the flow of your brand’s money. Even if you are good at math and accounting, which many business owners are not, you do well to hire a company or a person to do the accounting for you. By hiring accounting professionals, you can save yourself a lot of headaches, and you can also avoid costly financial mistakes.

5. Human Resources

If your small business has employees, you need to outsource human resources. You want to keep your employees happy, and you must be sure that their pay, schedule, and performance are monitored, but you will wear yourself too thin if you do that on your own. Savvy business owners outsource HR because it is a vital part of some brands, but it is too much for the owners to deal with.

6. IT

Are you good at the technical aspects of your business? If you are not, you should hire or contract a professional who can manage the IT components of your business. It requires you to be knowledgeable about system security, troubleshooting, integration, and much more. The technical components of your company can also be highly time-consuming, so save yourself some time by outsourcing your brand’s IT department.

7. Customer Service

Your customers are the life of your business, but if they are not taken care of, you will lose them. You must deal with customer complaints, inquiries, and anything else your customers may need. You do not want your customers to feel rushed by your tight schedule, so you need to hire a person or team to deal kindly with your customers. A good customer service department can do wonders for your brand’s reputation.

Get The Right Teams In Place

You need a good team if you want your business to be successful. You don’t have to hire many people because the same individual can play a double role. You can have an IT person who also assists with marketing, or you can have a customer service person who also helps with logistics. The idea is to have a system that takes care of the background items in your business so that you can continue growing the business. There is nothing wrong with wearing multiple hats as a business owner, but if you put on too many hats, your neck will snap. To avoid stress, get a good team of dedicated individuals in place for your brand, and your brand will truly thrive.