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If you’re interested in contributing to your community, you might want to start a nonprofit organization. This will allow you to pursue your passion for helping others. That said, setting up a nonprofit takes time and effort. These resources from Marketeral can help you get started.
Do Your Research and Plan Your Nonprofit Strategically
Follow these steps to figure out what kind of nonprofit to set up.
- Get inspired by these nonprofit ideas, like a community garden, upcycled fashion retailer, or elder care service.
- Check out the different types of nonprofit entities you might be able to start.
- Write a business plan detailing exactly how your company will be run and structured.
- Consider going back to school to get a degree that can help you better spearhead your organization. There are online programs to help you complete a program on your own time. For example, you can earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing if you are starting a humanitarian or healthcare-related nonprofit.
Figure Out the Financial Side of Running a Nonprofit
Nonprofits need money to run. Here’s how to get the cash you need.
- Estimate your overhead costs so you know exactly how much money you need to raise to start your nonprofit.
- Set up a nonprofit checking account through US Bank.
- Educate yourself about the tax requirements for nonprofits and charities.
- You may need to use some of your own money when starting out, so explore your home refinancing and HELOC (home equity line of credit) options if you need to free up some cash.
Address the Legal Steps Needed to Set Up a Nonprofit
A nonprofit is a legal entity that needs to be properly registered with the relevant authorities.
- Register your business according to your state’s guidelines.
- Check what permits and licenses you may need to legally operate your business.
Get the People and Tools You Need to Maintain Operations
Here are some resources to help you get your operations off the ground.
- Network with other charitable organizations to find opportunities to support one another.
- Use a business card design tool to create a low-budget, but high quality, card you can hand out to potential customers, clients, community members, and funders.
- Find volunteers to support your nonprofit’s day-to-day operations.
- Invest in basic technology to help keep your business running smoothly.
Prepare for a Successful Nonprofit
Running a nonprofit lets you help others and be an emotionally rewarding experience. However, it’s also important to treat your nonprofit like a business. Make sure you start with a solid business and marketing plan, and be strategic about how you get your funding. With the right support, you and your nonprofit can make a big difference to your community and beyond.