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eCommerce SEO Experts Weigh in: What Are the Easiest Things You Can Optimize on an Online Store


Even though running an effective eCommerce SEO campaign really is a full-time job, there are things anyone can do to improve the optimization score of an online store – even a novice.

So we asked the eCommerce SEO experts over at 1DigitalⓇ Agency (1DigitalAgency.com), who have been running SEO campaigns for over 10 years.

Here’s what they told us about optimizing your online store – any online store, regardless of the platform it’s built on.

Image Sizes
Image sizes can slow down site speed terribly. Either compress them before uploading to your website using TinyPNG or use a plugin that’s compatible with your eCommerce platform and can optimize them after the fact.

In fact, TinyPNG has a plugin that’s compatible with WordPress, and other platforms, like BigCommerce, are compatible with plugins like BigCommerce Image Optimizer that can do the same thing.

Image Alt Text
When uploading your pictures, a good practice is to update your image files with alt text that includes your focus keywords. That will give each page a slight SEO boost.

You can also include your keywords in any captions your images bear on your actual pages.

Probably the easiest item of all that you can optimize – on any website – is the title tag and the subsequent header tags beneath it.

Simply including your focus keywords in your titles and headers will give your page a more scannable layout, make it easier for readers to digest, and most importantly, make it attractive to Google.

Meta Descriptions
Google has started constructing meta descriptions automatically from contextual information on product and category pages, but nonetheless, these are ranking signals.

You can either let Google do it for you, or (better), do it for yourself. Writing your own meta descriptions is a way to keyword-optimize your snippets, and, most importantly, pitch some “elevator copy” that can attract people scrolling through the search results.

Product Page Content Fields
It takes a little more work than just inserting keywords into title tags but writing new, keyword-optimized copy for your product pages can give your pages a big boost.

Each product page should have original copy – do not lift it from a manufacturer’s page or from a competitor, you will get a penalty – and then draft unique blurbs for each.

If they are keyword-optimized, Google will crawl them and will likely index your pages more favorably.

Blogs are another great way to optimize your website for a much broader range of keywords, search queries, and general information.

Well-written blogs, even though they don’t perform well in terms of readership, will still incur more favorable rankings for the eCommerce websites that use them.

Plus, you can use them to disseminate keywords back to your other landing pages that are more likely to convert, improving both the customer journey and the internal linking structure in one fell swoop.

Important Caveat: Perform Keyword Research First
You probably noticed the phrase “keyword-optimized” mentioned several times in this post.

While Google is getting good at reading context, we still live in an era in which keywords matter. The use of keywords is one of the most important ranking signals that Google uses to index web pages and assign authority.

This means that before you optimize your eCommerce store, you need to perform keyword research to see what people are searching for and which target keywords represent good opportunities.

Ask an eCommerce SEO Expert Yourself
Still have questions about SEO? Get in touch with the eCommerce SEO experts at 1DigitalⓇ Agency as we did. They’ve extensive experience developing custom eCommerce SEO campaigns and other eCommerce marketing strategies that improve online visibility and conversion rates for their customers. Start increasing organic traffic and attracting new potential customers today – get in touch with an eCommerce SEO agency that will help you realize a positive long-term return on investment.

For More Information about Magento SEO Company and Magento Web Designers Please Visit : 1DigitalⓇ Agency

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rick johnson
Oliver James is a UK-based professional blogger, content writer, and content marketer who writes about travel and tourism, finance, real estate, and other topics on his blog. Passionate about writing, traveling, and getting the best deal on everything he buys, Oliver also writes for customers and helps them publicize their products, and services in the US and UK markets. He is a traveler who has visited over 35 countries and loves his job because it gives him the opportunity to find stories, experiences, and places which he can share with his readers. Oliver James is a professional blogger, content marketer, traveler, and electronics enthusiast. He started blogging in 2016 and has become a contributing writer for several blogs, including Android Authority and Elecpros. Oliver has also published his own informational books with Kindle Direct Publishing on subjects like Flappy Bird and Google Cardboard.