Home Business How to Make Effective Types of Business Project Proposals

How to Make Effective Types of Business Project Proposals


Has your boss asked you to make a business proposal – today?

Relax; let’s make one together with Marketeral, shall we?

First of all;

What Is a Project Proposal?

Project proposal is a set of documents or a single document that lists, defines and communicates the project idea-s. Project proposals are designed to tell a story of why a particular project should be supported and executed. The documents have a practical use and need – as they are utilized to secure funding, or for buying in winning new clients. These documents are also used to extend an existing client’s contract or for requesting an allocation of resources for a new initiative/project.

Vitality of Project Proposals

Project proposals are actually the basic foundation of an initiative/project and these are vital for building clarity around the project goals. The set of documents is used to define priorities and the requirements of the project, before and when a stakeholder is involved.

Project Proposal Types

There are a few types of business proposals to pick from, the choice however depends on your audience and the kind of proposal you want to present.

Are you with us till now? Yes?! Great.

Here’s a brief on types of business proposals

  1. Renewal Project Proposal
  2. Informal Project Proposal
  3. Solicited Project Proposal
  4. Supplemental Project Proposal
  5. Unsolicited Project Proposal
  6. Continuation Project Proposal

Next on How to Make Effective Types of Business Project Proposals, we have;

Major Steps for Writing a Business Project Proposal

Ideal way for writing a business project proposal is to follow a step by step formula, no matter what type of proposal you are preparing.

How you choose to pen down your business proposal will make or break its success.

Follow these steps to make sure your proposal is a winner!

1.      Executive Summary

Design an effective executive summary.

It is the first step towards writing a stellar proposal; this part is relatively shorter and is positioned to offer stakeholders and investors a summarized overview of the vital information.  The summary must include what is coming while persuading the reader to continue reading. 

The best practice is to add in the major selling points of your project, like;

  1. Core problems your project will solve
  2. How will benefit from the project and how
  3. Enlist the required resources – briefly
  4.  Add in the budget and a timeline
  5. What will be the parameters of measuring project success
  6. ROI and more

The gist of an executive summary is to grab the audience’s attention.

2.      Project Background

Give the motivation to your audience, explain the current problem, it’s possible solutions, and where the opportunity lies to solve the problem – all in the complete yet brief background of the project.

Points to add;

  1. Dive in the problem your project plans on addressing
  2. What is already identified about the problem
  3. Who has addressed the problem before and how 
  4. What research resources are out there
  5. Why previous research or solutions were insufficient in solving the  problem

*Do not go over one page here.

3.      Present the Solution

Now that you are done presenting the problem, pull out the big guns and present your solution.

This section is the biggest opportunity for outlining your custom project approach with extensive details.

Add in a;

  •  Vision statement
  • Project schedule
  • Project team responsibility and roles
  • Tools for reporting
  • Important milestones

4.      State Project Deliverables

Stakeholders need a clear picture of what your project plans to achieve, and exactly what you are going to deliver at the end of project. This can be;

  1. A Product
  2. Update to technology
  3. A Program, or something along these lines

All of this is to help your stakeholders properly visualize your project and end goals.

5.      State Required Resources

By now hopefully, your efforts have convinced the stakeholders that the project cant wait and needs to hit the ground running – congratulations! But we are still not out of the weeds –yet.

Share Pivotal Details for;

  1. Project Budget
  2. Cost Breakdown
  3. Plan for Resource Allocation

*It is advised to save required resource logs (from work desktops or laptops to heavy machinery) for the end of the project proposal so as not to overwhelm anyone with requests.

6. Conclusion

The ending or conclusion section of your project proposal should give the final summary with a brief overview of all the points discussed in the proposal. This effectively is your last chance to win your stakeholders, so it is important to add important evidence for receiving the approval.

Dedicate the section for the additional graphs, imaging, charts, or reports that were not included/cited in the proposal.

And Voila – you are done with your winning proposal.

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Good Luck!

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rick johnson
Oliver James is a UK-based professional blogger, content writer, and content marketer who writes about travel and tourism, finance, real estate, and other topics on his blog. Passionate about writing, traveling, and getting the best deal on everything he buys, Oliver also writes for customers and helps them publicize their products, and services in the US and UK markets. He is a traveler who has visited over 35 countries and loves his job because it gives him the opportunity to find stories, experiences, and places which he can share with his readers. Oliver James is a professional blogger, content marketer, traveler, and electronics enthusiast. He started blogging in 2016 and has become a contributing writer for several blogs, including Android Authority and Elecpros. Oliver has also published his own informational books with Kindle Direct Publishing on subjects like Flappy Bird and Google Cardboard.