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Looking to Hire Best Odoo Developer? Here are 6 things you should know!


You may have decided to hire Odoo developers to improve your business operations, sales, customer relations, and productivity. But, it will take more effort than that if you want to develop and manage your business apps effectively with Odoo in the picture.

With the right set of Odoo professionals, your business can thrive. However, less experienced and unprofessional Odoo developers can lead to unsuccessful Odoo implementation.

Have you considered that?

If not, it’s about time you do it. In this blog, you will learn about the things and considerations you should have before you hire the best Odoo developers.

Know These Things Before You Hire Odoo Developers

Are you confident you will find the best Odoo professional for your business unit? The process can be daunting and critical. But don’t worry, we have the right set of things that you must know to embark on this journey of finding the right Odoo partner. 

1.      Avoiding freelancers might be for the best

Many businesses (especially small to medium-scale) believe they can save extra pennies by hiring freelancers. While we wouldn’t say that’s untrue, it is definitely not the best option you have in hand.

‘Why’, you ask?

There are more reasons than one –

  • If they were to leave your project midway, you would have nothing against them. In short, the risk is high!
  • They might not complete your Odoo implementation within the stipulated time, resulting in delayed processes.
  • The freelancer may have multiple projects in hand, and yours might not be their priority.
  • Lack of experience may lead to not-recommended Odoo development practices harming your company’s reputation and performance.
  • Contacting them could be a hassle as they don’t generally have a fixed time or contact information to share.

2.      Can the Odoo developer train your employees?

When you hire dedicated Odoo developers, the least you can expect is for them to train you and your employees to use Odoo properly. If they don’t know how to work with the platform, you will often see bottlenecks in your business processes.

So, don’t let anyone convince you that you or your employees don’t have to be trained to work with Odoo. Rather, ask the Odoo development company if they will be responsible for training or not. 

If you end up hiring someone who won’t train you to work with Odoo workflows, you may have to spend extra time working with the platform or extra money for the training.

3.      Do they provide Odoo support and maintenance?

It is understandable for you to run into issues after the Odoo implementation, and once you start using Odoo. There may be some miscommunication and mismanagement, leading to ineffective performance.

How would you tackle such a situation then? The developer you have hired already implemented the Odoo platform with your business apps and is not up for tasks anymore. This is the situation you need to avoid.

For that, you need to hire best Odoo developers from reputed agencies who will also extend support and maintenance solutions.

4.      Don’t rely on one source to find skilled Odoo developers on demand

If you rely on a single source to hire dedicated Odoo developers, you might miss out on shortlisting valuable profiles. It is the best option for a company to look for potential candidates through multiple channels like – job portals, social networking sites like LinkedIn, etc. It will give them multiple good options to choose from.

5.      Be transparent about the pricing

Every business has a distinct budget and financial plan to go. Likewise, every Odoo development firm is unique and charges a different amount for its services. It is best to have a discussion about the pricing before you hire them for Odoo development.

That will ensure you and the developer are on the same page and have no confusion about the charges. And you can plan your finances accordingly.

6.      Talk about their experience with your existing CRM or business setup

Are you trying Odoo for the first time? Is it your first time with any CRM or have you used one already? In any case, implementing Odoo is going to be quite a task for developers and you wouldn’t want to hand over this responsibility to someone inexperienced.

It is essential that you look into their portfolio, their industry experience, and if they have managed projects similar to yours. It will tell you a lot about their expertise and if or not they are the right fit for your organization.

Knowing these things should help you understand what’s best for your organization and you can hire the right help accordingly. So, get started with your hunt while keeping these factors and points in consideration.


Hiring the best Odoo developers can be a tough challenge for any business unless you are aware of the right considerations and things to look for. These 6 points mentioned underneath should help you understand what are the things to look for and what to avoid while hiring Odoo professionals.

Author Bio:

Maulik Shah is the CEO of BiztechCS, a development company. He often takes the front seat in the company’s development projects, because he enjoys solving problems through technology. When it comes to writing for any blog, his contribution is priceless. Maulik ensures that his interaction with development is frequent enough, and his industry knowledge ever evolving, that he can share it. Despite his packed days, Maulik’s door is always open and he is generous with sharing this knowledge and experience.