Home Wealth What is a Responsible Lender in Australia?

What is a Responsible Lender in Australia?


In Australia, many lenders claim to be responsible. But what does that mean? And how can you tell if a lender is really responsible? In this blog post, we will discuss what it means to be a responsible lender in Australia, and some of the key things you should look for when choosing a lender.

What’s a Responsible Lender?

A responsible lender is a lender who puts the needs of their customers first. Typically, they are transparent about their fees and charges, and they work hard to help their customers find the best loan for their needs. They also take care to ensure that their customers can afford the repayments, and they provide clear and concise information about the loan so that their customers can make an informed decision.

With this in mind, they don’t allow customers to borrow more money than they can realistically afford to repay, and they take steps to protect their customers from taking on too much debt. They also work with their customers to help them find the most suitable repayment plan for their circumstances.

In short, a responsible lender puts their customers’ best interests first and foremost. If you’re looking for a loan, make sure you choose a responsible lender. It could make all the difference to your long-term financial position and your ability to repay all borrowed money. Sadly, irresponsible lenders are far too common in Australia, so it’s important to be aware of the difference.

If you’re ever unsure about whether a lender is responsible or not, you can always check with the Australian Financial Services Licensee (AFSL). This is the regulating body for all financial services in Australia, and they have a list of all licensed lenders. If a lender is not on this list, then they are not operating legally and you should not take any risks with them.

Choosing a Lender

Whether a bank or a lending service like Cashify, the first and most important step is to ensure they are a responsible lender. As long as you make sure of that, then you’re well on your way to finding the right lender for you. Once you’ve found a few that look promising, it’s time to start comparing them. Here are some key areas to look at:

Fees – All lenders will charge fees, but some are more expensive than others. Make sure you know exactly what fees you’ll be charged and compare them across different lenders.

Interest Rates – This is probably the most important factor to consider when choosing a lender. Make sure you compare interest rates across different lenders to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible – sometimes, the difference between two lenders can be hundreds of dollars.

Loan Terms – Another important factor to consider is the loan term; in short, this is how long you have to repay the loan. Once again, compare loan terms across different lenders to make sure you’re getting the best deal. Do you have the option to repay over seven years rather than five? Which would you prefer?

Customer Reviews – Of course, you should also read customer reviews before selecting a lender because this will give you an idea of the quality of service you can expect. Take your time and read through a few different reviews to get a well-rounded picture (and not just reviews on the company’s website because these are cherry-picked!).

Licensing and Accreditation – Lastly, in Australia, there are strict laws regulating the lending industry. All lenders must be properly licensed and accredited to operate legally. You can check with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to make sure that the lender you’re considering is properly accredited.